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Our Missions


At Northpark, we believe that worship, Bible study, ministry to others, and fellowship make for a growing and healthy church. If you are visiting our website to determine what kind of church we are and how active we are as a church you are encouraged to examine the missions we actively support through our finances and our prayers. We believe that your examination will give you a good sense of our priorities and commitments. Click on the links to see a brief video about each of our missions.

GOOD NEWS–It’s March and that means it is Mission Emphasis Month. Each week we will get updates from our missionaries about what is happening. This means that we will be updating our videos as the missionaries give their updates.
LaNora Purvis founder of a women’s ministry known as Heaven’s Army–Home of Amazing Grace provided our first update. She presented her work and we heard from some of the women. You can check out her report at here.
You are encouraged to drop in and be inspired as we were to hear how God is at work in the Houston metroplex. God is at work and we are excited to be part of what he is doing.
The Sowers Ministry
 Neil Anderson
The video has been edited due to privacy concerns
Mission Northeast
Pam Dickson-Singletary
March 12, 2023 
Be on the lookout for the new video update
Family Life & Marriage Initiative for CRU
Jason and Ann Ancarrow
Update Coming March 19th
Broken Yoke International Ministries
Featured Speaker: Wil Irwin
Update given 01/28/2024
Great Commission Coalition
Tom Victor